What is React?
In Mod4 in flatiron school, we are learning a new javascript library that is well famous enough that can get you a job who is professional enough to write the code on React. React is different than just using vanilla javascript syntax since it has a brand new set of languages. So why React is important to know? Well, there are many famous companies that using React to build their web application or programs. So pre-software engineer like me who is seeking a job after graduation from FlatIron School, learning React is definitely an advantage for job hunting.
According to the React homepage, it declares its definition as “React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces”. As it said on the official website, react uses various ways, but especially for the user’s interface. Famous user interface applications like Facebook, Instagram, CodeAcademy, and NY Times, etc, currently build up under-react and thousand of apps or using react as well. So what is so special about React? React introduce a new syntax called JSX, and because of JSX, React allows to write and adds HTML tags to javascript more elegantly compare just using javascript that is without React.
It seems different languages like components, states, and even life-cycle. On the other side, with React now building a simple or even complicate application, it is much faster, organized and dynamically.